Below is a list of helpful telephone numbers and special services we provide our residents, including times and reservation information.


Information Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30am-5:30pm
Sat. 10am-5pm
Sun. 1pm-5pm
24 Hour Maintenance: Call 972-699-4700
Trash Pick-up: Mon. & Thur. before 9am
Fitness Center Hours: Every day from 5am-12am
Utilities Numbers:  
Telephone Service
Optel 1-800-487-3320
Southwestern Bell 1-800-464-7928
Cable Service: Optel 1-800-487-3320
Electricity: T.U. Electric 1-800-242-9113


Copyright © 1999 - Cumberland Allegiance Development Company, Inc. No reproduction or republication without written permission.